The Other Side of World War II


Das Boot aka The Boat (1981)

Staring: Jurgen Prochnow, Herbert Gronemeyer, Klaus Wennemann, Hubertus Bengsch

Directed: Wolfgang Petersen

Synopsis: Hitler sent out 40,000 men aboard German U boats during World War II. Less than 10,000 returned. This is the story of 42 raw recruits caught up in a war they didn't understand, and the captain who must lead them in their struggle to survive.

If you haven't seen this one, do yourself a favour and waste no more time.

Movie Posters:

What I dearly want is the German release poster of the submarine underwater, however until that happens thiese will have to tide me over.

The original release US One Sheet from the films release there. This is folded, single sided. A rather under-whelming attempt.

Poster in the middle is the Australian release One sheet, also folded and single sided. A slightly better attempt than the US counter-part.

Lastly is the US One Sheet for the Directors Cut of the film released in 1997. This is rolled and single sided. Of the trio here, this would probably be my favourite.





